Losing weight is one of the main reasons why people do or think about doing physical exercise, especially the female audience (Sicilia, A. et al, 2014). Of course, they are present the aesthetic reasons, but currently there are also health reasons and quality of life. Although sedentary lifestyle, the fourth risk factor for death, is a epidemic that affects the entire world population (Kohl, H.W. et al, 2012), consciousness Citizen seems to wake up at times. In this way, the practice of physical exercise has evolved from practice through recreation to practice due to health issues (Valcarce, M. & Moya, D. 2016).
January or the months before summer are key dates where this objective shines with much strength, often coinciding with strong stages in the fitness industry and the training. In our start-up, it is important to take care of the details that you can mark the differences. Here are a couple of tips that can help you better target your goal. And they will not be the only ones. In later post we want to approach more keys, understand them and apply them.
This type of objectives must lose priority on specific dates. Should not we be healthy forever? When we talk about sustainability, we mean that our lifestyle extends as much as possible over time. And when we speak of adherence, we mean that, although we do not lose sight of the goal, we enjoy the journey.
Therefore, this change that we want to produce will be directed towards moving a little more and eating better. Likewise, it should be pleasant and as long as possible. Changing the way we eat drastically and start up very aggressively will be a major change. All the constructions begin with the foundations and little by little. Setting realistic goals in the short term can help us.
Our main objective will then be to create habits. In the first place we will include habits to increase our daily physical activity, move and exercise regularly, and the second to eat more adequately. According to several studies, it takes an average of 66 days for an action to become a habit (Lally, P., 2010). With what we have left to be constant. To do this, to develop physical exercise that is fun and motivating is fundamental, in addition to eating in the most bearable way possible.
We call physical activity to all kinds of movements of daily life that involve an expenditure of energy. One of the main objectives when you want to lose weight is to increase the daily energy that we consume. And what better way than to move, thus maintaining an active lifestyle with high levels of physical activity.
There are many and very diverse activities of daily life that encourage us to move. We leave you a list to give you ideas, and try to stay as active as possible:
Walking the dog. Move on foot, rather than by car or public transport. Get off the car or public transport 10-20 minutes walking from the place where I’m heading. Go shopping. Mowing. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Perform household chores.
These two ideas seem key to move forward, but they are not the only ones. In the next post we will talk about other fundamental pillars, and even better known as physical exercise, food and rest.
Francisco Izquierdo
Staff técnico Wiemspro
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