Losing weight is one of the main reasons why people do or think about doing physical exercise, especially the female audience (Sicilia, A. et al, 2014). Of course, they are present the aesthetic reasons, but currently there are also health reasons and quality of life. Although sedentary lifestyle, the fourth risk factor for death, is a epidemic that affects the entire world population (Kohl, H.W. et al, 2012), consciousness Citizen seems to wake up at times. In this way, the practice of physical exercise has evolved from practice through recreation to practice due to health issues (Valcarce, M. & Moya, D. 2016).

In a previous post of our blog we gave you the first two keys. This second post extends that information with the other three keys, and offers conclusions about weight loss.


Achieving the goals guided by a qualified personal trainer will always be the most sensible idea. If so, we will evolve in intensity and / or volume in an orderly manner, always emphasizing strength training against conventional cardiovascular exercises.

Having this clear idea, the body adapts quickly to any stimulus for that, many of our session proposals must be novel and “surprise” the body in a certain way, thus fulfilling the “principle of variation or novel stimulus” (Bompa, T ., 2015). This is where training with full body electrostimulation, among many other benefits, can be a plus.

Guided by a good trainer, doing an assisted training with electrostimulation and programming well the levels of frequency and other parameters, can suppose an extra effort and a novelty with respect to conventional training. In addition to being able to help us to increase our caloric intake inside the training and outside of it, it can have a very attractive character and can help us to increase the adherence and motivation for training as a novel element.


The idea that a good workout must be accompanied with a good eating plan is evident. The science supports with important studies that the programs of training or plans of feeding separately, do not seem to be so effective that when these are combined and go hand in hand (Clark JE. Et al 2015).

But should we follow a balanced diet plan only when training? The answer is obviously NO. If we talk about health and quality of life, eating well is not negotiable. It seems evident that we will have to make some sacrifice, which should be of dimensions that we can support. In this way, go forward step by step to acquire nutritional habits as appropriate as we want. For now, it would be ideal to flee from processed and pre-cooked foods and discard sugars. On the other hand, include fruits and vegetables daily and do not forget the consumption of quality protein in any of the meals can be very simple tips that will help make this weight loss more efficient.

As always, the most advisable thing for an advice or nutritional plan is to put yourself in the hands of a professional


Our body undergoes adaptations to training and its improvements when it rests. When we talk about physical exercise, more is not synonymous with better. An efficient rest seems to be fundamental for any person, but even more important is to control well the hormonal environments of the people who aim to lose weight. A rest translated in few hours of sleep is related to high levels of cortisol (stress hormone), which can be responsible mechanisms of metabolic disorders, such as high levels of fat (Wazari, R. et al., 1997).

On the other hand, some meditation programs have proven to be very useful in reducing stress levels and, therefore, improving the hormonal environment.


Concluding, we must say that losing weight should not be an objective associated with certain months of the year. Being healthy should prevail over our aesthetics goals all months of the year. In order to achieve this objective, the creation of healthy habits based on the combination of physical exercise and nutrition, and supported on an efficient rest.

These should be the most adherent and sustainable possible. With the aim to increase the fun, motivation and adherence to the programs, we have the possibility of using elements such as whole body electrostimulation. Well programmed can be a novel stimulus, and surprise our body in the search for caloric expenditure.

Our electrostimulation suits adapt perfectly to the body and help you achieve your goals


  1. Clark JE. et al, (2015) – Diet, exercise or diet with exercise: comparing the effectiveness of treatment options for weight-loss and changes in fitness for adults (18-65 years old) who are overfat, or obese; systematic review and meta-analysis.
  2. Lally, P. Et al. (2010) – How are habits formed – Modelling habit formation in the real world.
  3. Kohl, H.W. et al, (2012) – The pandemic of physical inactivity: global action for public health.
  4. Seetho I.W., & Wilding J.P. (2014) – Sleep-disordered breathing, type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome. Chron Respir Dis. 2014;
  5. Sicilia, A. et al (2014) – Reasons why people do exercise: A study using Self-Determination Theory.
  6. Valcarce, M. & Moya, D. (2016) – Manual y venta del entrenamiento personal.
  7. Waziri R, Hillis SL, Schneider RH. (1997) – Effects of the transcendental meditation program on adaptive mechanisms: changes in hormone levels and responses to stress after 4 months of practice.

Francisco Izquierdo
Staff técnico Wiemspro
Colegiado 57164